Saturday, July 11, 2009

Group Photo

Group shot before we climed in the van to go to the airport.
All the Wilhite kids are in the picture except for the two oldest who are married and
living in the states.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We just made it home safely, praise the LORD. Our flight was so loooooooooong. We are So glad to be home, but part of our hearts are still in Africa. The Lord has worked in are hearts so much while we were there. I told myself that I would never want to be a missionary, but I think the Lord has definitely changed my heart about that. The Wilhites were such a blessing to us while we were there(except for the boys and the gun stunt that they pulled on us) jk. They were all great to be with. We will miss all of them VERY much. Be sure to keep them in your prayers. This is probably going to be one of the last things we will put on. Thanks for keeping up with us while we were there, it was encourging to us to see all the comments. I cant believe it is already over, but Lord willing, we want to go back next year. We had such an amazing time, we will NEVER forget that trip.